
Showing posts from 2020

"A New Beginning", part 5 of the series "After The Pandemic. A Fictional Story" by Karin Sawetz

"A New Beginning" Part 5 of the series "After The Pandemic. A Fictional Story" by Karin Sawetz “I'm not better than corrupt systems. Yes, Sarah the stories you've heard are true. But the first step wasn't set by me," corrects grandmother Naomi with a wink in her eyes the story, "I was polite and responded appropriately.”  "You had no choice. The situation was provocative not only in your case,” explains Joyce the story of Naomi to her daughter Sarah. “There were millions of people thrown into circumstances which heated up the civil war arenas on streets worldwide and in the cyber world. The outbreak of a revolution was how it's said in German 'aufgelegt' or with other words: People saw it coming. The real fire starters were the corrupt justice and police systems. The most peaceful people were pissed off at the naughtiness of the state administration,” Joyce stands up and goes to the kitchen. "Can I open the b...

"Life Is Not A Rehearsal", part 4 of the new series "After The Pandemic. A Fictional Story"

“Life Is Not A Rehearsal” Part 4 of the series "After The Pandemic. A Fictional Story" by Karin Sawetz "The Hofrat…  it took a bad end. He lived in the believe to be the one who decides what counts. We all have to live with the consequences of our actions of the past. The Hofrat is a good example for bad decisions based on evil intentions. It was another time and such guys like the Hofrat haven’t calculated the new circumstances.The anger of the population turned the life of the ones who tried to profit or benefit from the misery of others into a nightmare." The reflections of the sunset appear as a flickering fire in grandma Naomi's eyes. "Life is not a rehearsal, never forget that. There is no second chance."   In this moment the German shepherd of Sarah's mother runs into the winter garden. "Come on Sweetie, you wild beast." Sarah takes the head of the dog with both hands into a stranglehold such as starting a fight.  ...

"The Wheat & The Chaff", part 3 of the new series "After The Pandemic. A Fictional Story"

“The Wheat & The Chaff” Part 3 of the series "After The Pandemic. A Fictional Story" by Karin Sawetz “Can you remember what the Hofrat said: Now the wheat will be separated from the chaff. My god was this an ass!” Martin doesn’t wait to start his first anecdote with one of his personal highlights from the beginning of the revolt. “There were these guys who provoked the population. Very consciously  - with quasi criminal intent to benefit from the misery of people. He is a very good example what happened at that time. The Hofrat...” Sarah interrupts Martin’s story in the middle of the sentence: “What’s a ‘Hofrat’?” “‘Hofrat’ was the title of a civil servant; everybody could become a Hofrat when the person was long enough in the position of a civil servant and had political contacts. And such a guy was the Hofrat; he and many others had delusions of grandeur. He tried to compromise your grandmother already before the outbreak of the pandemic. We all knew a...

"Patience", part 2 of the new series "After The Pandemic. A Fictional Story"

“Patience” Part 2 of the series "After The Pandemic. A Fictional Story" by Karin Sawetz “Who lost the patience?” asked Sarah looking from the kitchen at the garden door such as she can’t await that the guests for the afternoon tea on this Easter weekend arrive. The grandmother arranges the plates with the cookies around the palm willow bouquet decorated with old-fashioned Easter eggs at an oval table of the rattan seating group in the glass house of the winter garden with a natural privacy protection by an old tree’s branches which reach to the ground. Granny continues the conversation from the enclosed glass veranda about the causes of the revolt after the outbreak of the pandemic. “Only few lost the patience and drifted into criminality. Most of the people used the possibilities of the new time. They had for the first time the means in their hands to be connected and to practice solidarity with enough transparency without harming privacy to secure a ...

"Kitchen talk", part 1 of the new series "After The Pandemic. A Fictional Story"

"Kitchen talk" Part 1 of the series "After The Pandemic. A Fictional Story" by Karin Sawetz “There will come the day we have forgotten to remember how the revolt started and the names of the ones who had to carry the weight of others' guilt. Many will say nobody was guilty and that it was the coronavirus which ruined first the life of the weak middle class and worsened the suffering of the poor, before the revolt was started almost as a natural reflex to the greed of the ones who ruled discreetly from a shadowy network over power and money. The mass of people was breathless from the disease, the grief of the high amount of deaths made them hopeless, and the downfall couldn't be stopped early enough. The people’s situation turned with new working conditions into a degraded status of mainly short-time employees with diminished rights and such a low income that the living costs couldn't be covered. When it was hard to afford living before the p...