"Patience", part 2 of the new series "After The Pandemic. A Fictional Story"

Part 2 of the series "After The Pandemic. A Fictional Story"
by Karin Sawetz

“Who lost the patience?” asked Sarah looking from the kitchen at the garden door such as she can’t await that the guests for the afternoon tea on this Easter weekend arrive.

The grandmother arranges the plates with the cookies around the palm willow bouquet decorated with old-fashioned Easter eggs at an oval table of the rattan seating group in the glass house of the winter garden with a natural privacy protection by an old tree’s branches which reach to the ground.

Granny continues the conversation from the enclosed glass veranda about the causes of the revolt after the outbreak of the pandemic. “Only few lost the patience and drifted into criminality. Most of the people used the possibilities of the new time. They had for the first time the means in their hands to be connected and to practice solidarity with enough transparency without harming privacy to secure a fair play. The revolt was not much more and not less. People protected themselves successfully from the greedy ones who used the, due to the pandemic, changed law to restrict personal freedom of the population for their own benefit. The people were degraded to serfdom-like working conditions. At that time, denunciations happened massively and the police executed house warrants excessively. Yes for sure, there were also totally crazy guys who tried to infect others with the virus or groups who thought they are genetically immune against the disease. The worst combination was the one who thought they are the carriers and at the same time immune. Running bombs!” Granny laughed.

“Yes, crazy! But overall, the population used the pandemic for a new understanding of life on earth: We are stronger connected than we thought. Humans among themselves and humans with nature.” Sarah stands up from the stool at the kitchen bar and joins her grandmother at the veranda. She takes seat at one of the classic rattan chairs with beautifully made peacock backrests. The winter garden is generously built from the house into the garden and adjunct by a passageway through a glass tube with an extensively huge orangery where grandmother experiments with new fruits and vegetables. “Sarah, please bring the basket with the apples from the orangery; it’s the first time that I serve them. You find the basket directly at the entrance.” Sarah jumps up from the rattan chair, “When I’m back, can you tell me something about your role in the revolt?”

Just as Sarah left the veranda, the guests - a pair, a woman and a man in the age of the grandmother, entered the garden. “You come in the right time. Sarah wants me to speak about the revolt and the role I played.” The man dressed in comfortable sand colored chinos and blue-green pullover says amused: “Naomi, your role in the revolt interests me since fifty-seven years!” “Martin, this is a serious question.” says the female guest with half-earnest mimic. They laugh.   “No, seriously. We have overcome the pandemic and used the time wisely to change our lifestyle, that’s important," Naomi turns her head as Sarah enters the winter garden with a basket full of red-green apples, "Ah well, here you are Sarah. You know our guests, Ann and Martin? They will provide some anecdotes.”

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