“The Fruitti Seeds”, part 11 of the series "After The Pandemic. A Fictional Story" by Karin Sawetz

Naomi's world just falls apart. The scientist has always believed in her abilities to estimate her work’s impact on society and politics. How could it happen that she has overseen the scam? 

Naomi is alone in her large mansion. It was built over decades on the ground and the foundation of a region-typical old farmer's house. She walks through the garden along the alley seamed with trees carrying various fruits. She named her invention for the creation of the special customizable artificial tree seeds ‘Fruitti’. The tutti frutti ‘Fruitti’ seeds can be designed individually after preferences. 

Each of the alley’s neutral basic trees is equipped with nano-technology and can carry up to eleven different sorts of apples, cherries, or apricots, pears, etc. The trees in her garden are from the first generation of the Frutti seeds. They are programmed to grow in the trunk like an original apple tree from the region and to develop various fruit tree-typical branches. The seeds are set nowadays in gardens around the world and helped - with some special add-ons - regions with limited water resources to prosper again. Naomi stops at the oldest tree of the alley. She breaks a branch with cherries - and waits for the first signs of recovery activities. She thinks about the decades of her life invested in the realization of forward directed projects. Naomi spent only time in politics when governmental rules violated her privacy or endangered her work - a sort of self-defense. She smiles and tips with her fingers into the wound of the tree. The tree’s artificial resin changes its color from light-yellow to gold. It still functions perfectly, whispers Naomi to herself with the satisfied voice of a scientist who observes a long-time experiment. 

Politics isn't a thankful long-term experiment. Politicians come and go, political parties change their programs with the prospect of catching votes, governments act over the years they have the legislative power mainly very discreetly. She remembers that in her younger years fraud and the betrayal of trust destabilized society. Contracts with energy suppliers or rules for the calculation of electricity and gas prices were negotiated without prominent advertising campaigns but cost the citizens’ safety and money, changed laws such as concerning the new calculation of formerly accepted years of insurance let people lose their right of pension and gained for the state budget money which was spread charity-like by the government back to the original owners. 

But how could she have missed the fraud starting twenty years ago? Naomi is desperate since her son Demian sent the message about the recently detected long-time fraud. She thought security instances are protecting nowadays society from politicians of the ‘old school’. She remembers the last time Demian was here in the garden and her tip to reprogram the AI for the space flight from linear to empathic-like routines to bypass the time-space shift. The re-programming revealed the underlying linear information built upon simple everyday strings. Simple like the basic of the Fruitti seeds. It's the syntactic constellation which counts. It's literally a 'tactical togetherness'.

Naomi has an idea. The elderly woman hurries to the organically driven server room at the greenhouse.

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